Wednesday 4 May 2011

Changes we made

The main obvious change we made was our female character. Originally Danielle was supposed to be playing the part, however she was unable to, so was replaced by my sister Yoda. We did not take in consideration of the instrumental at the beginning, so we added in scenes from the past in grey scale. When filming, we did manage to film numerous times, in different camera angles. This was useful because if there was time to spare during our video, we could add in extra scenes we did not need.
We also took scenes out. We orinally said we would have the girlfriend rejecting her boyfriends call, but this was not added to our storyboard, and our video. We also did not get to add in Adrian smashing a frame containing an image of him and his girlfriend. We originally planned to have a scene of the girlfriend slamming the bathroom door, and both of them either the side of the door, but logically it could not work. We also planned for Adrian to throw the dinner in the bin, but we did not know what to fit this scene in our video, so took it out.

Tuesday 3 May 2011

Wednesday 9 March 2011


Here are a few photos of us filming. We thought we'd add behind the scene photos to capture the moment.

Friday 4 March 2011

Poster analysis

I got my advert from 'Sugar' magazine. It is aimed at young female teenagers. It is still around today and may even have our artist in it, Ne-Yo. This advert only takes up half a page but it is still quite big and noticeable. The black colour is very dark and mysterious which draws our attention to this advert. The white writing is even better against the black background because we are drawn to this advertisement. The green shape also draws our attention because it is very bright and eye catching. It is also a colour you would not expect to be associated with a female girl group.

Comments on filming

When filming in our first location at my house, we had to set out the as if it was for a young couple. For example. we had to remove the images of me and members of my family. Not only did we have to refer back to our story board, we had to refer back to our custom plan to make sure we had each scene with the correct clothes. We especially made sure our female character wore the colour red. Our original female character was unable to take part, so we replaced her with someone else. We had trouble producing a downwards tilt in the bedroom scene. However, we orvercame this by using a step lader and filming above them. Our second filiming day took place at school in the hall. We kept all shots excet for scene 14 the long shot. Even though we did use some long shots we also added a mid shot to because a common thing about Neyo's video is that he does not use a particular shot for long, it's fast shots between long shots, close ups and mid shots. We also had to make sure we chose the most suitable hat that showed a resemblence to what Neyo wears. We also made sure he had some jewlerry because it is a typical stereotype of RnB videos. We had problems with using our school hall because there was drama rehearsals taking place. We needed to make sure they were silent when filming so we would not lose our concentration plus we did not want their voices in the background. But then we also had to be silent when they were rehearsing. This was a problem because it delayed our filming and was a huge inconvenience for us. Without them rehearsing, we would have filmed much earlier. If we were filming outside it would have been an even bigger problem because the lighting would have changed. But as we were filming inside with light already lit we were okay with issues with it. We were also cautious about the lighting so we made sure we filmed right under the light for a sort of spot light affect. We want all attention on him. Another location was Jodie's house. We had to film in her bedroom for the cheating scene. This was not easy as it was supposed to be Derek's room, but Jodie's room looked like a girls room. We had to change things and add things from her brothers bedroom. For example, we addedd her brothers aftershave on the side table and weights. We also hung up a calender for men where a women was in lingerie. The problems we had was the custome. We did not know what to dress out female character a long with the red corset. We then finally found black shorts that we had to roll up because they were lose on her. Jodie's dog also kept running in the room. We had to lock the dog in her sisters room while filming. Another problem we had was my sister laughing and not taking it seriously. But after a while she managed to stay in role. Another scene was walking by the river. We were lucky to film on a day it was not filming, but it was extremely windy which would have affected our shots. The weather did reflect on the mise en scene though. Seeing as it was a miserable day, it matched the scene where our female character was being distant with her boyfriend. He just wanted to be close to her but she shrugs him off and rushes without him. The problems we had was panning and keeping a steady shot. I think I find panning the hardest shot to do because you are not staying still which affects the camera shot. We managed to overcome this when editing by slowing down shots. Because we filmed a lot of different scenes from past and present while walking down the river, we had a lot to edit from and film in gaps that we had time to spare. For example, we were unable to film the scene when Adrian smashes the frame on the floor, so with all the extra filming we were able to fill in the gap. Some scenes we were also unable to stick with. Because it is a RnB video, they are known for their quick edits. Because of this, we had to make sure we did not have long shots of the same thing. One of our shots in the story board was a long 14 second shot of a long shot of him singing. We changed this to other scenes and other shots, not just a long shot, to avoid our video being boring.

Friday 11 February 2011

Rough Digipak

Before starting our digipak, I did a rough draft of what it may look like. I used an image of Ne-Yo because it was before we took images of our artist, and we wanted a rough idea of what we wanted to do. We also needed to make sure our record labels logo was on it, so it gave us a chance to investigate what the correct logo was. Our back cover is important because we needed to think about what songs would we include on our cd. It made us realise we needed to live up to Ne-Yo's expectations.

As you can see from his latest album, it is very eye catching. It would stand out to consumers and influence them to buy this album. It portrays him as an action figure which would appeal even more to people. There is a story behind this album which would make the audience intrugued to buy and listen to it.

This album is now a few years old. It contains the song we are doing for our music video. It is very basic and not very in ur face. This could be a good thing because it links to his character and personality. It's what makes him simple that makes him stand out and likeable. You will never see him topless, which is what we needed to remember for our cover.

We also needed to take into consideration of the colours he uses. They are very basic and limited. They link to his genre and do not challenge conventions.