Thursday 8 October 2009

Evaluation for film

Comments that were repeated were volume, and as our group watched it back we also agreed. We wanted a long shot, but also an over the shoulder shot, but our characters voices were not heard. This could be because we did this scene on a staircase which had alot of echo.

We got praised for our editing. This may be beacase our characters died, then you would see an close up of them dead.

Our film was aimed to be horror, but it also got called very funny. This could be an imrpovement for next time, to make our film more scary then humour.

Next time we also need to be aware of sound and if our voices are clear so that they are heard.

Some comments said that are ariel view and over the shoulder shot was good. I think our camera angles were good as we did use a variety of them. We used extreme close up, close up, ariel view, over the shoulder view, mid view and long shot.

I problem we had was weather the camera was still on or not. As we couldn't edit it out iswell, there was some bits that were not part of the scene.

I main focus for next time could be sound and timing. Our task was for it to be a five minute film, however it might of been over by a few minutes. This is something we could work on, time management.
Star trek

This film starts of with flashing lights and noses. These noses are very much to do with space. There is also a panning shot of the shuttle. This shows us if the audience did not know, that this film is a sci-fi. The music also starts to get louder. This builds tension and gives us the impression that something is about to happen. As they are on a shuttle, maybe they are about to get attacked or have found something.
As the panning shot continues, the music also continues, but we then start to hear faint sounds of people talking. This then enters the scene.

A man walks into the main room. The way he walks is very dominant and powerful, and as someone calls him “captain”, we are then very certain he is in charge.

The intended audience I think would be around 11 up wards. It’s very complex for a child to understand what is going on. I also think boys are much more interested in star trek then girls would be.

As well as sci-fi, this film comes under the genres action and adventurous.

There are also many close-ups of the captain and mid shots of his crew. The mid’s shot show his crew’s facial expressions and body language. The captain’s facial expressions show he is a very serious person.
When they are attacked, the music gets louder and digetic sounds are used as they hear the shuttle crash into flames.

The notebook

In the notebook, the first image we see is an establishing shot, which is a setting. This setting is a sunset. Sunsets are very romantic and create a very romantic atmosphere. This already gives us the impression that we are about to watch a romantic film. In the background, very mellow and slow beat music from a piano is played. This is also very romantic.

After this, we have a long shot of a massive white house. This creates curiosity on who does this massive house belong to. We then get introduced to the main women character Allie, who is getting looked after by a care worker, so we learn that this massive white house is a care home.

The main character is Noah. This character is very important because he tells us the audience the story. The film is edited a lot because the story is told when the character is old and goes back to when they were young.
The first place we are introduced to when they were young is at the fun fair. The two main characters do not know each other, but we can see the instant attraction between the two.

In this film they are many close ups of the two main characters. This is beneficial for us because us the audience get to see their facial expressions.
Another close up is when Noah and Allie have their first date and we get a close up of Allie's blushing face.

We also come across a symbolic code. Allie and Noah walk down the road in the night holding each others hand. This shows the sign of affection between them. This also shows that they are comfortable with each other and the beginning of their romance. They then slow dance in the road, while non-digetic music is played in the background. The music is slow romantic jazz music. This sets the mood.

The narration told to us says that Noah and Allie become very close and fond of each other. They spend a lot of time with each other which shows their love. The kissing that takes place shows the tender intimacy.

This film is aimed at individuals age from fifteen and over. This film is likely to appeals to more females then males.

Run fat boy run

Simon Pegg is well know for his comedy in films, so instantly we know this film will be humorous. At the beginning we see panning shots and mid shots of people all dressed up. As we see wedding cars we assume it is a wedding. The main character Dennis, who is played by Simon Pegg, looks terrified as he is about to get married. we see an close up of his face looking worried and nervous.

The first sign of comedy we see is when Dennis lies down on the floor, banging his head. The stupidy of it makes this humorous for us. We then see a panning shot of Dennis running away from his bride as the camera goes close up to her screaming, then back to him running. In the background we hear non-digetic music, with the lyrics 'I'm sorry sorry sorry', which is very upbeat and goes well as he is running.

Editing is used as it cross cuts to him running in another scene now. This time in a security uniform chasing a theft. The director is very clever here as they have linked the two scene when he runs both times.

The mood of this music then changes, as mellow sad music is played as Dennis walks down the street, lonely, while smoking a cigarette.
The landlord is also a very funny character. He makes the audience laugh, which is the main aim of this film.

We then see a close up of Libby, and her new boyfriend, and then the close up of Dennis face. This shows an impact because we see the jealousy between Dennis and the new partner. Dennis facial expression is also quite shocked as he sees his sons mother has got a new boyfriend. This scene is filled with a lot of tension.

I would say this film is for teenagers. It is funny, and teenagers and over would understand it more.


This film starts off with a thunderstorm. This gives us a very scary effect which introduces to us that this will be horror. I can also see that this is black and white, so this film is very old.
We also get a panning shot of going up the stairs. We then get introduced to a man in a woman. In the background the music that is played is very slow jazz music. This builds a romantic setting, until she says something that cracks the ice. It creates tension and the music becomes louder. This suggests she has said something that he is not impressed with and is shocked by. Something is about to happen.

He then says how the letters do not mean anything and that he is marrying Maggie. From this, we learn that this is an affair, but she has threatened to show the letters, which is why the music went louder.

They then stand on a balcony, with a stormy sea beneath them. She then trips and is left handing with one hand. As she screams for help, he does nothing. The music gets louder as we see he is not going to help her. She then falls into the sea and dies. This is the first sign of horror we see, and we get the impression that the main is an evil character from the symbolic codes that is presented.

However, the horror rises more as the women then becomes a ghost. The music gets louder and builds a lot of tension as he cries for her to go away. This is very effective as she keeps saying the words "i will always be here", and many images of the ghost appear. I can see that she is a ghost because she is presented as white, which is how usually ghosts appear. In his mind, the words "save me" kept repeating. This thought track is very effective because it is like the words are haunting him from when she cried for help as she fell from the balcony.

He then goes to the top of the balcony and says a dialogue. This includes of him saying that you do not exist and that he is going to marry the other woman. This shows a sign of madness, as he talks to himself, thinking he is talking to his mistress. The music however, then suddenly turns quicker as she replies, 'no-one will ever have you but me'. This builds tension because we get the impression that she comes back from the dead and is going to make his life misery for what he did to her.

I would say this film is for older teenagers because I don't recommend that young children or young teenagers would understand this and also might find this frightening.

Rooster Cogburn
This film is started with an extreme long shot of an lake and mountains. While the credits appear. Men on horses ride across the lake, across the screen. Westers music is also then started to play. The scene is also starting while the credits is played. When the credits stop, there is an extreme close up of a cowboy, possibly a villan, and then zoomed up to an close up. John Wayne is the main character in this fim. The close up does not seem to be a villan, but John Wayne, who figures out the villan. His character is potrayed as a hero. John Wayne uses a gun and threatens to use it. As the Villans do not do as he says, he points it at them and shoots. Non-digetic sound is then used of a gun shot. The setting is very dark to show the time of day, night time.
There is then an extreme close up of the next day. A bright sunny day and of the lake with the men riding the horses. Non-digetic music is played of mellow cowboy music. The camera then zooms in as we see men are not riding horses, instead they are dead across being carried on the horse. There is a long shot, and the camera is still as the horse ride across the screen. There then is mid shots of peoples facial expressions.
As they are all on their horses, in a forest, non-digetic music is played. It starts of slow then starts to build up. As it builds up, tension is then built up. From this we can tell something is about to happen. There is a long shot of the men about to cross the lake, but suddenly gun shots are then used which leads the camera to a mid shot of men falling off the horses. Smoke is then used to show a gun was triggerered.

I would say boys and men would be the right fit for this film. I would not say young boys because it is quit complicated to work out the situation.
These symbolic codes are used in a typical cowboy film. It was expected to see a cowboy, horses and guns. There isn't much lighting which is typical in this kind of film. In an office there is a dim light to show they are not wealthy, they are living on a river side. But the film mostly has scenes during the day.

Friday 2 October 2009

In lesson we watched the first part of the film of Psycho. We analysed things like the camera angles, the characters and the music.

For homework we had to take snapshots of different camera angles, e.g close-up.