Friday 10 December 2010


Adrian is our main character who will be playing the part of Ne-Yo. We have picked Adrian because he played one of the main characters in our schools production of 'Guys and Dolls'. From this we gathered that he is extremely confident, very reliable and dedicated to tasks he is given. This would be beneficial for us because we need someone that we can rely on and that will not disappoint us. Being confident is important because our artist, Ne-Yo is also very confident. He knows how to work the camera and how to get his emotions across through his facial expressions.

Danielle will be playing Adrian's girlfriend in the video, but cheats on him with someone else.

However due to circumstances, Danielle was unable to take part no longer. We then replaced her with my sister, Yoda.

This image will be used for the picture in the frame, that Adrian will smash up in their bedroom. To show it is their house we may need more then one picture. We need to dress the house a home that will look like a great friendly loving atmosphere, in contrast to the characters and the connection these two have.

This is an image of my sister, Yoda, who will be replacing Danielle. It is important that our character knew each other, which would enable them to be more relaxed with each other rather then shy.

Derek played the part for the character of who the female was cheating with. It was quite difficult at the beginning because he was shy but we made him feel more relaxed and did not put too much pressure on him.

Location Report

Location Report

This is an image for one of the places we are going to be filming. It is a location near our school so it will be fairly easy to get too. We will be using this location for two different scenes. One for when Adrian and Danielle are walking down the river holding hands, which will be in black and white footage to show it is in the past. The second time we will be using this location is when we are filming in the present tense, when Danielle shows no interest in Adrian and their relationship is falling to pieces. Walking along a river seems to be a typical romantic mis en scene. This will be the case for a part of the video, but the other part there will be a strong contrast to how things are now and how things were then. As we are following these two characters, we will pan them as they are walking along.
The problems we may have with this location is members of the public walking past or maybe even walking their dog. However, this lake is usually quiet during the day so we may not be faced with a lot of problems. We are also filming during the day, so we will have no issue with lighting. Another problem we may face though is the weather. It would be a hassle to film in the rain so we need to make sure we film on a day where the weather is fairly dry.

This is an image where we will be shooting our first scene. For our video we will have to make changes to the room, for example get rid of the pictures, and make it more realistic for a young couple. We will not have problems with the location because it is my own house where it will be private. It also has good lighting, but if not we can always put a brighter light bulb. A double bed also makes it more suitable for a couple. Props we will be using in the room are images of them both together at a happier stage of their life. This will be a good contrast to show how times were, and how things are now.

This is an image of the kitchen that we will be shooting scene 15 that Adrian makes Danielle dinner. Problems we may have with this location is that maybe when filming we may occur interruptions. This may be maybe the washing machine will distract our actors, or even my cat that may interrupt the scene. We can overcome this by locking the cat in another room and making sure we do not film while the washing machine is on.

However, we ended up not filming in the kitchen. The dinner scene was filmed in the dining room which we thought was better as it had a romantic vibe to it. We did plan out to film in the kitchen, but when editing, we realised we did not need the scene.

This is an image of the living room. As you can see the two images of me and my sister will have to be covered and taken down when filming as they do not relate to our video. This scene is shot number 10. We will be using mid shots and long shots. As for custom, we will dress them in casual clothes to reflect that they are in their house. This scene will capture the tension between these two characters. Our storyline is fairly obvious but the audience may be wondering why does Danielle just live Adrian. So, at this point of the story, we may show Danielle maybe trying to make the effort with Adrian. She is confused between who she really loves and we want this to come across in our video.

Friday 3 December 2010

Mis en scene

  • A hat for Adrian, a top hat and a normal casual one
  • A picture frame containing a picture of them both at a happier time
  • An alarm clock or clock to show the time of '6:45'
  • A mobile phone, where Danielle and the male character she is cheating with can communicate
  • Food, for when Adrian makes Danielle dinner
  • Jewelery and accessories

I have put these props in because I think they are essential with the video we are doing. The alarm clock links to the lyrics. What I mean by this is in one of our shots we have a close up of an alarm clock. When we do, this particular moment of the song will say '6:45'.
We will be using a picture frame when to show how times have changed. Not only this, but when Adrian smashes it, it will show that their relationship is over.
We want the audience to see what Danielle is up too, so we will doing close ups of the mobile phone when the guy she is cheating with calls her or texts her.
Food is essential for when Adrian prepares a romantic dinner for them both. This sort of thing is typical for an RnB genre video. The mis en scene should look like a romantic dinner all set up, which will show how much effort Adrian is trying to make.
Adrian's hat goes with his custom, as well as jewelery.
Jewelery is extremely common for RnB videos. You will also see artists that have a bit of jewelery.