Friday 27 November 2009


• Michael Mann will act as the homeless man
• Junaed Badat will act as the frightened boy
• Andreas Kavallares will act as the leader of the group
• Aidan Scoutter will act as the ditsy boy

Our group decided to choose Michael Mann as the homeless man because he's good at doing intimidating voices which will be important in creating tension for the audience.Our group decided that the costume of the homeless man will consist of a black scruffy coat (to show that he is poor) and a red shirt underneath to connote danger -seeing as he will be acting as a potential killer in the thriller opening.

We chose Junaed Badat to act as the frightened boy because he is good at making facial expressions and this will be vital in order to show a clear range of emotions. These emotions will be highlighted through close ups or extreme close ups to show their significance. It will also give the audience more knowledge about the personality of the characters; for example: a character that often has a worried facial expression denotes that they are a character that is quite tense and on edge all the time.

We chose Andreas Kavallares to act as the leader of the group because he has the natural quality of being quite a bold and assertive person. In order to emphasise that he has higher status we all think it's best to use a lot of confident body language such as: walking tall with his head and shoulders back - to show confidence or cockiness , using his hands a lot while talking to show his authority (emphasizing his points while speaking by firmly shaking his finger or palm in beat to his words) and walking with wide, long steps to show a powerful stride.

We chose Aidan Scoutter to act as the ditsy boy because like Michael Mann, he is good at using his body language and facial expressions - which will be useful in order to convey the simple-minded, over exaggerated ditsy character that we would like to portray.All of the casting characters have been chosen based on their ability to show good body language,facial expressions as well as other aspects like how well they use their tone of voice; we wanted the cast to be chosen this way so that the acting skills are good enough to make the thriller opening realistic.

However, Junaed was unavailable on the third day of filming, so we had to use Imani to fill in for him and played the role of Junaed. We chose Imani to act as the frightened boy because she is good at walking and talking like a boy. She would be good playing a role of the opposite sex. She also is camera shy which is good because it reflected on playing a role of a frightened boy. Because she knew the camera shots herself, she knew exactly what angle to face and what would work best. For example the over the shoulder shot, it had to be at an angle where we could see her back and going towards the homeless man.

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