Friday 12 February 2010

Second filming session -10th Ferbuary

10th February 2010

We filmed a second time because the shots that were taking weren't useful. The camera only focuses on one character and shots of practising the scene were shot then the actual scene itself. As well as that, on Sunday, the camera ran out of battery.
We then met up on Wednesday. We had trouble because of the weather conditions, which was strong winds and snow. However, we waited until the snow finished to start filming. We did each scene at a time. Practising the shots and lines before this. We also had to put blood on the floor, just as in our storyboard. We had difficulty trying to stick to all the shots on our storyboard.
Because of the cold weather, it was hard for everyone to keep focus. As our hands were stiff and cold, it was hard to keep the camera still. As a result of this, we are going to watch each scene thoroughly, and possibly film scenes again if needed too, because of the shaky camera. However, some shaky bits, would look effective for our thriller film. It would be as if the audience are connected to the film.
When we filmed it on Sunday, we had trouble seeing the characters. To avoid this happening again, we brought torches to focus on all four characters.
Because we had done it on Sunday, we had a better understanding of the shots and the scene, which made it quicker for us to get through.
Another problem we accounted with was people walking past. Most of them wanted to see what we were doing, so didn't go quick. This was a problem because we had to keep stopping filming.

For our thriller, we had to make blood. We made this by mixing water, red food colouring and flour at a warm temperature. We also brought a fake dead hand. We also needed alcohol, so because we didn't want to end up getting in trouble, we filled a beer with apple juice and glued the lid back on. We then told Michael, who played the homeless man, to bring a hat, as it was part of equipment we needed.

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