Friday 28 January 2011

Comments on storyboard

When designing our storyboard, we found it the most difficult task we've come across yet for our coursework. We had to go through the lyrics, the song, and take in account that we need to time sections. I mainly focused on the timing of the scenes, according to the lyrics, while Jodie drew the images of the scenes. We both went through the edits, the dialogue, sound and the camera movements. We have done it in pencil, because when filming we may come across some difficulties, so may make changes. We experienced this last year. We felt some scenes were more necessary in other places, so we went back and changed it, rather than doing the whole storyboard again. When learnt this from last year, when filming, it was difficult to follow what was written, to what we needed to do. So when filming we made some changes by putting some scenes in different places of the thriller opening.

When going through the storyboard, we had to think about our scenes, whether they would work or not. We also have a few flashbacks, so to make sure the audience know it's a flashback, we are going to make the scene black and white. We are also going to have flashbacks from the beginning of the music video. We need to make sure the edit from the beginning is in colour, and the same scene repeated again further to the end of the music video, is in black and white. We will not need to film this scene twice, but copy the original scene and adding and black and white transition.

I enjoyed taking control of planning a music video. By studing and analysing many of Ne-Yo's previous music videos, we had an idea on the type of style to come across in ours. Even Ne-Yo's custome. His always wearing suites, and a hat, which we are going to do the same with Adrian. Ne-Yo also stands against a wall, with the camera just focused on him, which we are going to do the same with to. But we are going to change the types of camera shots. Some shots we are going to have close ups, and others mid shots or long shots. It was important to analyis Ne-Yo's previous music videos because I felt that it helped me plan this music video with the knowledge I encountered. When analysing Ne-Yo's music video I did a range of his songs. I did an upbeat one, closer, and an emotional one, mad. By studying two types of music videos I saw two different types of story lines and how they are filmed. Closer was filmed with a lot of dancing and animated. While mad was filmed in black and white with many close ups of facial expressions.

Jodie and I also had to go through the song, timing each scene, and adding it to our story board. We found this difficult, because we don't know how long shots will take, they may be longer than we wrote down or even shorter. When filming we need to make sure we don't run over time. The whole song is four minutes and twenty-seven seconds, so we need to make sure when the songs finished, so is the shots. We are also aware that we may make changes as some scenes may be longer that others. If we feel it is a necessary change, we will change it.

Before doing the storyboard, we had to decide on an location. We know definitely we want to do the video mainly during daylight as last year when we did it during the night, we had difficulty with lighting. The main location is a house, so if it is dark, we will have the lights on.
The first scene is early morning, which is usually really dark, so for this scene we will need to film during the night but maybe use dark coloured curtains to set the scene.

The dialogue that is in the storyboard, is the singing by Ne-Yo.
In shot fifteen, there will also be dialogue of Adrian arguing with Danielle, shouting at her 'where are you going'. It is important because one of the things Ne-Yo does in his videos, is have voice over while the song is playing, just like in the video mad. We felt it would be necessary in this scene because it may make the audience confused, as one minute his making dinner, the next she's gone.

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